...here and there...
Andrea and I had a sweeeet road trip (with the BEST mix CD's known to man)...Our team didn't end up doing the best as we lost to the green team there...but it's cute cause we're all friends enough still to take a picture together after :D
Best Summer EVA!
the pics come courtesy of my good bud Cynthia...
I was in the ABA hairshow this past weekend as a hairmodel for A/G and it was a pretty crazy experience. First of all, people who know me KNOW that this kind of thing doesn't suit me AT ALL. So it's kinda funny that I actually followed through with it. So, after three or four warnings from friends that know people who's hair turned out disastrous ...I still trucked on to the Agricom. My hair turned out such a great colour and cut and everything so I was super relieved about that. They gave me a different style each day...