Monday, May 26, 2008


One totally awesome thing about me being in Switzerland in this specific year is the fact that the Euro 2008 (Europe's biggest Soccer/Football tournament) is taking place in the city I live in this year. The thing that sucks is it's practically impossible to get a ticket unless you want to sell your first born baby...and i don't have any of those so I'm gonna have to miss out on the live action :( least it's possible to sit outside the stadium and watch on the big screens...for much cheaper...but it's still not the same...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Procrastinator to the Max...

Forgive me for not posting sooner...but i'm kinda busy...haha...but trip so far has been amazing.
First few days in Switzerland were a blur...meeting tons of new people...going on picnics...I've already been to Italy as well...Florence and Milan to be exact...Florence takes my pic out of those travel buddy and i ended up sleeping in a train station for 4 hours on that trip as well. oh and how can i forget almost getting squished by the train door as it was leaving. The train was super full and no one was moving to let me in...we ran from door to door and no one was budging and then the train started moving without me in it...and Gabi was already life seriously flashed before my eyes in that moment...i forced myself in somehow...and then after laughing my head off for a minute i looked around...and there was TONS of room...those jackasses were just too lazy to move over a bit more! seriously!...anyways...italy was cool...i saw the Uffizi museum...the one with Botticelli's The Birth of Venus...and some Michealangelo etc...pretty cool stuff...and we biked around for a while...on one of those cool bikes with the basket in front...we ate gelato everyday, SCRUMPTIOUS!! and yes, the coffee is great too, even if i'm not a coffee drinker really...
the family i'm nannying for is great...the parents are super nice, the mom is a slight perfectionist, but in a good way i guess haha...the dad is funny and not a jerk which i was afraid of...but nope he's awesome too...the boys are funny...rambuncious (spell?) and slightly hyper and they get whatever they want but still good boys...and quite easy to take care of...
my cooking skills are being tested at times, which was much needed so that's an added perk. I made a cake yesterday for the first time..AND the icing...and it was quite successful...and then i had to make it again for one of the boys at school...and they all loved it...

so overall things are wonderful so far...i will post some pictures of all the highlights so far...the first 5 are just out and about Geneva, Interlaken and Nyon Switzerland...and then the last 5 are from Milan and Florence Italy...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

So Close...

i'm leaving in less than a week...for switzerland...and it's SUPER FREAKY...but SUPER AWESOME!!! :D

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Breaks my Heart...

In the past day or two there have been a couple situations where people have been dicussing the topics of "Is God Real" and "Creation or Evolution." (Both have been on Facebook). I don't neccessarily mind these discussions...except for the fact that there are those that are SO closed minded and are SO solid in the belief that God is fake and that Evolution is fact...for me this gets so frustrating because no matter what...there is no convincing them...

and for me it's such an easy faith comes SO simply and easily...and i'm extremely thankful for that...i don't understand how someone can say they've never experienced God and they don't believe that there is any trace of His power ANYWHERE...for me, even the complexity of a baby forming in the womb or just the beauty of the Earth is enough to show me that...I wish people realized that when they even feel the emotion of love or compassion or something of that nature that God has a hand in that!!

i know that no one will be able to see or feel God's love without the Holy Spirit's work within them...but sometimes i wish what i said, or a fellow Christian said, would be enough would be a lot less frustrating and depressing...

And it breaks my heart to know that it will take the worst experience imaginable for some to finally understand what they missed out on during their life on earth...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Couple Things...

...i went to sleep before midnight for the first time in AT LEAST a year the other day...I still felt like crap after...

...i'm getting nervous about my mp3 player because it's taking so long to arrive...

...i ran over a rabbit yesterday on the Anthony Henday jaw dropped it was so gross...first time running over something :( was unavoidable...

...i will buy a tall mocha frappucino with extra whip today...

*UPDATE* mp3 player arrived in good health...meaning it works like a CHARM!!! :D...i'm so happy with it! i didn't think technology could ever make me this happy...

...kinda sick but yesterday, as i was walking to my car, i saw remainings of the rabbit i ran over hanging from my undercarriage...i shivered and immedietely went to the car wash...35 minute wait and all...

...that frappicino was great...i love it when i order extra whip and they put it in a grande cup just to fit it all...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Zip the Lips...

Road Rage is never cool...

i work with someone that has a severe case of the R R. What do you do when they are in a blind blow-up, running their mouth, cursing everyone around them never thinking that they were the one's at fault in the first place?...

there's only so much i can take of this...especially since i'm driving with this person alll the my strategy for now is to zip my lips...and maybe he'll get the hint that he's acting like a poop!

or maybe i should tell him to read my blog...

Friday, February 29, 2008

should it BE this hard!

I thought that i was living in a time where technology was just the be all and end all...well not in Canada apparently...

I was TRYING to order that mp3 player i was talking about down there...but Canada is behind the times and doesn't have it yet...are you kidding me!? It's supposed to get here sometime in spring...well guess what Best Buy...i don't HAVE until then...i want one now!...haha...(i'm not usually an impatient person). I'm slightly embarassed by this's almost as if us Canucks were on a different planet...all the stereotypes seem to be true in this case...

I phoned around to a few different online stores that carry the Zune player i so desire...and NONE of them ship to Canada...i guess all those businesses couldn't be bothered to pay for all those dogsleds delivering the product to my igloo...and it would be even more difficult with the minus 80 Celsius and 10 feet of snow...and i guess we don't have paved roads either...or running water for that matter...who am i's wishful thinking to have mainstream music at all...i can hardly get an AM radio station up here!!!...

well anyways...I ended up resulting to eBay much to my mom's dismay...(she has trust issues) turns out middle aged guys living in their parents basement don't have any problem selling and delivering to us crazy Canadians...

on a more cheery side note: i think i found my font of choice...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I've been setting my sights on this mp3 player for a couple weeks now...(I've never been one for Ipods)...BUT....the only thing keeping me from actually purchasing it is the fact that i most likely have to order it off the internet and get it shipped. This freaks me out slightly. Ordering things off the internet has never been an appealing perk for me. I know people that RAVE about internet purchasing...but it just seems so risky! like what if i order this little guy and it comes and it's BROKEN! That would totally suck! AND getting things shipped always means shipping fees and shipping delays and that's super annoying...
But even with all those hold-backs...i think i will go through with it...sigh
it BETTER get here before i leave for Switzerland...(shakes fist at screen)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Just Rembered!

Ok so...i had a dream last night that was just silly...i don't usually remember them...but this one was kinda awesome, in a lame kind of way...
I think it pretty much started with me meeting the Spice Girls...and they were getting ready for their tour and stuff...i was part of thier crew or something...and we were on a bus or something and I remember one of Sporty Spices solo songs was playing in there, and she demanded it be turned off...this is understandable (don't we all hate the sound of our own voice)...and then i reassured her that it was an awesome song (that was/is truth, no lie there)...and then they did some shows and whatever and they were going through big crowds of screaming fans...and i remember there was another group that dressed up LIKE them to revert the crowd away from the real thing...and for some reason the fake group was all guys crossdressing haha...and then time lapsed and some how I think i was PART of the spice girls all of a sudden...and i was living with a friend of mine that i haven't seen in like two years (her name is Marci, we played soccer together)...and i was like ok I'm going to switzerland in a couple months...and she was like "Nadine you can't!...the Spice Girls are doing so good with you a part of them!" and she showed me pictures of our success...and i was all torn and crying and i couldn't decide between the Spice Girls and Switzerland...and through all of this i was looking in a mirror, and my body was covered in new tatoos...which actually didn't look too bad!...and i magically had an awesome body haha...(at this point, my brain was waking up and i was realizing i was dreaming)...and then there were more tears...and then it was done...WHAT THE H! dreams are strange/great!!!
it's funny too cause i swear i haven't been thinking about the spice girls in that great of detail!...

...not in the last week or two anyways...

Big Plans!

Where: I'm going to live in Geneva, Switzerland for a year!

What: Living with a family taking care of their 2 boys (pretty much nannying)...All money earned goes towards travelling Europe!

Why: Now or Never...I've been wanting to go for a looong time and why not while I'm still young...sometimes being spontanious makes for the best experiences :D

When: I'll be leaving mid April-ish...

Who: obvious? I will be by myself though, except for the first couple weeks when a friend of mine will be showing me the ropes as i'll be taking her place...

and on a completely different topic...Happy 25th Birthday Derek my brother!