Monday, February 18, 2008

Just Rembered!

Ok so...i had a dream last night that was just silly...i don't usually remember them...but this one was kinda awesome, in a lame kind of way...
I think it pretty much started with me meeting the Spice Girls...and they were getting ready for their tour and stuff...i was part of thier crew or something...and we were on a bus or something and I remember one of Sporty Spices solo songs was playing in there, and she demanded it be turned off...this is understandable (don't we all hate the sound of our own voice)...and then i reassured her that it was an awesome song (that was/is truth, no lie there)...and then they did some shows and whatever and they were going through big crowds of screaming fans...and i remember there was another group that dressed up LIKE them to revert the crowd away from the real thing...and for some reason the fake group was all guys crossdressing haha...and then time lapsed and some how I think i was PART of the spice girls all of a sudden...and i was living with a friend of mine that i haven't seen in like two years (her name is Marci, we played soccer together)...and i was like ok I'm going to switzerland in a couple months...and she was like "Nadine you can't!...the Spice Girls are doing so good with you a part of them!" and she showed me pictures of our success...and i was all torn and crying and i couldn't decide between the Spice Girls and Switzerland...and through all of this i was looking in a mirror, and my body was covered in new tatoos...which actually didn't look too bad!...and i magically had an awesome body haha...(at this point, my brain was waking up and i was realizing i was dreaming)...and then there were more tears...and then it was done...WHAT THE H! dreams are strange/great!!!
it's funny too cause i swear i haven't been thinking about the spice girls in that great of detail!...

...not in the last week or two anyways...


Anonymous said...

I have a spice name. It's Party Spice. Loved the dream.

Beaner said...

Party Spice...i LOVE it!

i need to think of a good one now...

Anonymous said...

Spice names are critical. Critical!!!

Beaner said...

you're right...but i think i need someone else to give me the name...because i don't want to name my self Aweseme Spice and sound too pretentious...ya know what i'm sayin?

Anonymous said...

Part of spice names is choosing one that suits you. I picked Party... it describes me. I mean, am I not fun???

Don't think of it a spice arrogance... think of it as spice confidence.

Oooohhh yeah.

Beaner said...

ok how bout...

...Giggle Spice...

Beaner said...

or LOL Spice hahaha...