Friday, November 23, 2007

Magical Fingertips...

I got a massage today...much needed. I have one question it normal to feel a little nautious and headache-ish afterwards? Maybe its' cause my therapist was concentrating on my neck area. (By the way, my therapist is very very good y'all...she's my bud Andrea. She's very young, but makes up for it with those magical fingertips haha...). It's funny that, no matter how much it hurts to get all those knots grinded and squished, the idea of getting a massage is so dreamy and inviting. Every time I'm in the middle of the near torture on the massage table...I think to myself, "I am not coming back for a REALLY long time..." But there I am a couple months later, getting all giddy and pumped up to get another massage. Oh and FYI...always remember to shower before you get don't want to be one of those people that massage therapists tell gross horror stories about...;D